Maasai and Samburu Cultural Experience: Living wild on the wild rangelands of Kenya

Experience life in the bush among the Maasai and the Samburu the Maasai way. The indigenous Maasai warriors will be your guides all through. Learn about Maasai survival skills, their knowledge on nature, traditional indigenous skills and practices, traditional medicine among others.

Cultural Excursions- experience a living and Vibrant Culture

Live in a Maasai village and experience first hand their cultural expressions and their worldview of issues. The Maasai women are an important engines that maintains and promotes the Maasai culture, yet they remain highly invisible what makes voiceless yet strong pillars of Maasai rituals and ceremonies? How many Maasai ceremonies and rituals do you know you Know? Maasai name-giving, meat eating, circumcision ceremonies and many more. Learn from the owners of a culture thought to be disappearing rapidly yet very vibrant after The Last of the Maasai was written!

Specialized wildlife safaris within indigenous Maasai and Samburu owned community Sanctuaries.

Laikipia Maasai and their Neighbours, the Samburu are managing their own sanctuaries as a strategy of increasing their income and alleviating extreme levels of poverty among the indigenous peoples. You can be part of this noble idea and you can count the value for your time and money.

The Il ngwesi community lodge has won several international awards

Learning beyond the Class or formal set up

Study Tours for Schools, Universities, NGOs, Communities, Colleges

NICE is specialized and skilled in organizing and facilitating study tours of any theme and subject. We have organized educational and study tours for students, human rights monitors and defenders, social justice activists, researchers, faith based organisations, media and development workers.

Film and Photographic Safaris [NB: To activities?]

Indigenous communities are always willing to learn from others and to share their cultures with the rest of the world. However, they want to be treated with respect and for their ancestral and spiritual knowledge and cultural practices to be respected. Quite often their images are taken in different forms commercialized. NICE can assist you to negotiate and obtain authorization from Kenya Film Commission and Prior Informed Consent from the concerned communities and also ensure that you adhere to community protocols.

Children and Youth Activities [NB: To activities?]

NICE can organize activities that keep the children and the youth actively and productively engaged in a traditional Maasai way. Some of the activities, depending on tour interests, will include; Youth leadership and mentoring, learning about nature, children songs, story telling, children games, looking after livestock and some of the activities

Honeymoons and weddings based on Maasai and Samburu Cultures [NB: To activities?]

Courtesy of the Maasai and Samburu traditional elders, We can help you organise your wedding in special and memorable way. A combination of cultural activities, expressions, music and traditional blessings. This can be organised in the interior of Maasai and Samburu land.

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